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DATE: 2 Oct. 2008


TO: My Political E-Mail List


SUBJECT: The BEST (and Funniest) Explanation of the Financial Crisis

In case you’re like 90% of Americans who have the bejeebers scared out of us by the current financial crisis (as well you should) but don’t understand all the arcane financial gimmicks involved, take a look at the brief attached Powerpoint presentation [linked here] that’s going around, which — with stick figures and a sharp wit — explain what’s going on, from bad mortgages to financial skullduggery.


But be cautioned, in both its bold truth and equally blunt language, it is not for the squeamish. You’ll kick yourself if you don’t take a minute and watch it. This PPS reveals what’s really gone on from Main Street to Wall Street (although it leaves off where pensions and paychecks can disappear).




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