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DATE: 2 June 2009


TO: My Political E-Mail List


SUBJECT: Women Defending Themselves

Ellen Snortland — who was such a great contributor to Barry Gordon’s Left Field radio show, in addition to her being an accomplished author, actor, and progressive activist — is now a contributor, with author Gavin de Becker, to the Huffington Post!


Having long encouraged women to learn self-defense — as with her book and film Beauty Bites Beast (See http://snortland.com) — Ellen has now in this very influential forum made a great case for schools and other community organizations teaching our young women these most basic, yet all-too-often overlooked skills. Take a look at this very thought-provoking post ...




... and feel free, as I did, to post a comment in reply. Let’s encourage the Huffington Post to include more works by Ellen and Gavin, on this and other issues that empower the women in our lives, and really all of us, to put behind us the mentality of helplessness and victimization, so that we can stand up strongly for ourselves and what we believe in, in our everyday lives and in all we do.


Thanks, Ellen and Gavin. Keep up the good work!




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