With Douglas Drenkow


The Diversity of

The World of Life

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The Diversity of The World of Life

The Major Groups of Life etc.


Including Blue-Green Algae

(Domain Bacteria, including Cyanobacteria)

(Here is an especially informative reference on various aspects of bacterial life -- A Scientific Breakdown on Bacteria -- discovered and shared by science student Tyler, as a special research project for his teacher, Michelle Adams)



Actinomycetes spp. (species) (fungus-like bacteria recycling materials in the soil, and thus giving it its "earthy" smell, and producing antibiotics in labs)

Agrobacterium spp. (typically soil-borne bacteria, including one kind of bacterium that lives in the "nodules" of legume plants, such as peas, and converts nitrogen gas from the air into a form in the soil useful for plant growth)

Bacillus spp. (including species recycling materials in the soil or aiding digestion in our gut, species causing anthrax or types of food poisoning, and a species useful as a biological insecticide)

Borrelia burgdorferi (causing Lyme disease)

Chlamydia spp. (including a species causing a common sexually transmitted disease)

Clostridium spp. (including botulism & tetanus "pathogens", disease-causing organisms)

Escherichia coli ("E. coli", common intestinal "flora", aiding our digestion and producing vitamins for our bodies, although some strains in nature can cause food poisoning)

Helicobacter pylori (causing stomach ulcers)

Lactobacillus spp. (converting milk into cheese, butter, or yogurt)

Mycobacterium spp. (causing tuberculosis, leprosy, etc.)

Mycoplasma spp. (the smallest known living things)

Neisseria spp. (including a species causing the commonly sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea and a species causing a serious "meningitis", an inflammation of the "meninges", the membranes around the brain and spinal cord)

Nitrobacter & Nitrosomonas spp. (involved in recycling forms of nitrogen, as from animal wastes, in soils, pondwater, etc.)

Nostoc spp. (common species of blue-green algae that "fix" nitrogen from the air into a form stable in the soil, where it can aid plant growth)

Oscillatoria spp. (a commonly studied species of blue-green algae)

Pseudomonas spp. (including species causing human infections, particularly in hospitals, and resistant to most antibiotics)

Rickettsia spp. (small primitive bacteria causing typhus etc.)

Salmonella spp. (including species causing food poisoning or typhoid fever)

Shigella spp. (including a dysentery pathogen)

Spirulina spp. (commonly studied blue-green algae)

Staphylococcus spp. (species causing acne, food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, often antibiotic-resistant "staph" infections, etc.)

Streptococcus spp. (species causing "strep" throat, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, pneumonia, etc.)

Treponema pallidum (causing syphilis)

Vibrio cholerae (causing cholera)

Yersinia pestis (causing bubonic plague)



Bacteria are found virtually everywhere on the planet:  In salt- and fresh-water, in and on the land, and in and on all other living things.


Bacteria are almost always single-celled organisms, each bacterium typically bounded by a cell wall, composed of "peptidoglycan" -- a polymer (chain-like molecule) composed of "polypeptides" (chains of "amino acids", the building blocks of proteins) linked together with "polysaccharides" (derived from sugar molecules).  In most blue-green algae, the cell wall has a protective coating of slimy mucilage.

Bacteria with a single, thick cell wall of peptidoglycan stain purple with the dye called "crystal violet"; these bacteria are called "Gram-positive" (Dr. Gram was a Dutch bacteriologist).  Other bacteria, with a thin cell wall of peptidoglycan covered by an outer cell wall, of carbohydrates (such as polysaccharides), proteins, and lipids (fatty or oily compounds), do not stain purple with crysal violet; these are the "Gram-negative" bacteria.

Note that the incorporation of proteins or lipids in the cell wall of a bacterium is more biologically "expensive" than just constructing a cell wall of "cellulose" (a polysaccharide), as in higher plants.

The cell wall gives shape to a bacterium -- a "coccus" is round; a "bacillus", rodlike; a "spirillum" (less common), spiral-shaped.  Most blue-green algae are round or disk-like.

Individual bacterial cells may be associated in chains, filaments, sheets, or other groups (some blue-green algae form hollow balls); however, these colonies are not truly multi-cellular organisms -- there is virtually no specialization or "division of labor" between the cells (exceptions to this rule include "heterocysts", unusually large cells, within chains of blue-green algae cells that chemically "fix" nitrogen gas from the air, for the production of nitrogen-rich proteins by all the cells within the chain -- such nitrogen-fixation can enrich agricultural soils, as in Asian rice paddies, which would otherwise require expensive nitrogen fertilizers).

Bacterial cells may be equipped with hair-like "cilia", propellor-like "flagella" (never on blue-green algae), adhesive "capsules", or anchoring "pili" filaments (See the note about "conjugation", below).


Most bacteria are "heterotrophic" (not producing their own food molecules):  They may be either "saprophytic" (feeding on -- and thus recycling -- the wastes of living creatures) or "parasitic" (feeding on the bodies of living creatures).

However, many bacteria are "autotrophic" (producing their own food molecules):  Some are "chemoautorophic" ("chemosynthetic"), releasing energy from chemical reactions involving such materials as ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen gas, hydrogen sulfide, iron, or nitrates; other bacteria are "photoautotrophic" ("photosynthetic"), capturing light-energy, by means of the green pigment "chlorophyll a", embedded within membranes (actually infoldings of the outer, cell membrane) inside the bacterial cell (Indeed, the "chloroplasts" that conduct photosynthesis inside the cells of green plants and some other organisms are thought to have evolved from photosynthetic blue-green algae that were engulfed but not digested by other prehistoric cells -- blue-green algae, like chloroplasts, typically have stacks of disk-shaped membranes impregnated with photosynthetic pigments).  Incidentally, although blue-green algae may indeed be blue-green (from a "phycocyanin" pigment), they like other bacteria come in almost all the colors of the rainbow.

Some bacteria release the energy from food molecules "anaerobically" (that is, they do not require, and may not even tolerate, the presence of oxygen); other bacteria "respire" (release food energy) "aerobically" (that is, they require the presence of oxygen -- what's more, the "mitochondria" that conduct respiration inside the cells of eukaryotes and, thus, act like "power plants" are thought to have evolved from rickettsias or similar aerobic bacteria that were engulfed but not digested by other prehistoric cells).


Water, dissolved gases, and other materials diffuse through the cell membranes of bacteria -- diffusion through any biological membrane is called "osmosis", the "selective permeability" of the membrane controlling the contents of the cell, within an often unpredictable environment.

Bacterial cells exchange materials with and lose "body heat" to their environment much more quickly than do the much larger cells of eukaryotes.  Consequently, most bacteria have very quick life cycles, enormous reproduction rates, and often enormous populations:  Bacteria can produce in short order as many individuals in a teaspoon as human beings have produced on the entire planet!


Materials simply diffuse throughout the small cell of a bacterium:  Unlike in eukaryotes, there is no "cytoskeleton" and no "cytoplasmic streaming".


The growth and development of a bacterium is under genetic control, with considerable biochemical "feedback", as from chemical-, light-, or even magnetic-sensors of environmental conditions.

The growth and development of bacteria might also be influenced by "hormones" (biochemical messengers), even though those molecules are typically used by multicellular organisms to coordinate activities between different cells within the body.


Bacteria typically reproduce by "fission" (dividing in two), after having grown to their maximum size.

The DNA in a bacterial cell, unlike the cell of a eukaryote, is not within a membrane-bound nucleus, is not bound to proteins, and is not organized into chromosomes; rather, bacterial DNA forms loops, both a large, tangled "nucleoid" and smaller, separate "plasmids".

Certain species of bacteria can survive almost unlimited periods of unfavorable environmental conditions by transforming into extremely durable "endospores".  Blue-green algae may form a thick wall or gelatinous coat to survive harsh conditions.

"Transformation" is the absorption of purified DNA from the environment into a bacterial cell.  Early experiments with this process demonstrated that it is indeed DNA that controls heredity.

"Transduction" is the transfer of genetic material from one bacterial cell to another via a "bacteriophage" (a bacteria-infecting virus).  This process can be artificially manipulated for gene "mapping".

"Conjugation" is the one-way transfer of a "plasmid" (either a small, free ring of DNA or part of the large, main ring of DNA in a bacterial cell) from the cell of one "mating strain" of a bacteria to that of another (lacking that plasmid).  The cells are pulled together by the donor's filamentous pilus, and they ultimately contact one another via a "conjugation bridge".  Because there are not two donors of genetic material to an offspring, this process is sometimes not considered true sexual fertilization; and these two partners, not truly separate sexes.

Such valuable pharmaceuticals as insulin, which controls diabetes, can be mass-produced by using bacteria.  The first step is to "genetically engineer" plasmids (by "recombinant DNA" techniques, involving enzymes) to produce the desired biochemical.  Then, the plasmids are replicated throughout populations of bacteria that reproduce asexually and, thus, are genetically identical "clones".


As mentioned above, reproduction in bacteria is typically considered asexual, at most involving "mating strains", with a one-way transfer of genetic material from one individual to another, not the contribution of genetic material from two separate sexes to an offspring.


 The Major Groups of Life etc.


(c) 2004 D.D.  All Rights Reserved.

Photo of Cells:  H.D.A. Lindquist, US EPA