DATE: 21 Aug. 2008
TO: My Political E-Mail List
SUBJECT: FW: URGENT: Bush/Cheney Move to Gut Endangered Species Act
If you knew how many hundreds of political requests for action I get a week (esp. having booked guests for Barry’s shows), you’d realize that I don’t try to impose on my friends for all sorts of actions. However, this one issue really strikes a chord with me, perhaps because it was the subject of discussion I chose for the very first NewsRap show I ever hosted, when Barry was on vacation, a couple years back. Good ol’ Steven (The Bug Man and world-renowned environmentalist) Kutcher was my guest ... of course he had a live tarantula on his shoulder! (Never work with kids or animals on TV — they steal the show! :)
Seriously, all the way back to Genesis we are charged with being stewards of the planet, since we’re the most dominant critters around. Below is the link to a simple form you can fill out, in a minute or two, with your name etc., to let your congressional representative know that you want to protect our native American wildlife.
This really isn’t a partisan issue — the environmental movement in government started with the late, great Republican president Teddy Roosevelt ... who is surely turning in his grave at the greed that is threatening the same wildlife as he fought so hard to protect in his day.
Please take a moment to pitch your support behind saving our irreplaceable wildlife. Future generations will either thank us or curse us, and rightly so.
CREDO Action from Working Assets is proud to bring you an urgent alert from our friends at Defenders of Wildlife.
The Bush administration has announced a new proposal that would gut the Endangered Species Act — one of America’s most important environmental laws. Now Defenders of Wildlife needs our help to preserve the vital checks and balances that protect our polar bears, wolves and other imperiled animals.
As a member of Defenders of Wildlife, I urge you to read the message below from Defenders of Wildlife’s president, Rodger Schlickeisen, and take action today to save our endangered species.
Michael Kieschnick
President, CREDO Mobile
[“Wildlife Alert” from Defenders of Wildlife]
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