I applaud your insight and courage in
identifying the excess concentration of power and wealth as a
fundamental problem in our nation.
That was particularly insightful because, as
I'm sure you are aware, some two-thirds of the Gross Domestic
Product is consumer spending, most of which must be accomplished
by the middle class and poor, those of us who spend -- rather
than can save -- the bulk of our incomes. The bigger our buying
power, the greater our nation's economic activity.
Your insight was undoubtedly courageous, too,
because I'm sure that the top management of the Times
would fall into the upper-income group, which would be the
subject of any progressive increase in the income tax to
de-concentrate the wealth of our nation.
Whether we are poor, middle class, or rich, it
seems good citizenship requires some sort of sacrifice. Thank
you for your good example, which should benefit us all.