Economic Policy | January 8, 2005
Posting in "Comments
From Left Field"
"The Scarecrow" *
is I, again, The Scarecrow -- returned from my 18th Century
grave to terrorize the oppressors and embolden the oppressed.
world of the dead has recently received hundreds of thousands of
souls, sent there by a great force of nature. Grieve for them,
my kind-hearted friends; remember them; care for their widows
and widowers and orphans and other loved ones; but do not be
overwhelmed -- for the worst that can happen to ye on Earth
pales in comparison to the torments of Hell, and the best that
can happen to ye on Earth pales in comparison to the splendours
of Heaven.
the life that God has given you -- be it for a day or a century --
but never curse Him when He inevitably reclaims that life,
according to His plan, which we cannot presume to know.
more than life itself things that are not within the material
realm -- love and truth and liberty.
not a person by one's worldly fortune or misfortune but by one's
in generations, there has not been as great a calamity to strike
the world; but also truly, in generations -- if ever -- there
has not been as great an outpouring of love to fill the world:
Millions of people helping millions of other people, whom they
have never met and will never know, with no expectation of any
worst that nature had to offer has brought out the best that
human nature has to offer.
beware, my friends, for the lion ever stalks the lamb. There are
those who would take advantage of selfless acts of charity with
their selfish schemes of greed.
speak not only of ham-fisted, obvious crimes -- embezzling
monies from the riches flowing to those in need -- but also of
more subtle plots -- as devious as the Devil himself.
as said, we cannot judge a person by the size of one's fortune --
there is good and bad in each of us, rich and poor -- the fact
of life is that the less one makes, the more of one's fortune
one tends to give to those less fortunate; and the more one
makes, the less of one's fortune one tends to give to those less
fortunate. There are many exceptions to this rule, but even more
examples of it: The rule, in general, holds; I speak only the
so, if powerful interests ask to decrease the taxes on income
and property that are "progressive" -- taking more
from those with more -- while they ask to increase charity and
taxes on sales that are "regressive" -- taking more
from those with less -- then do you not see that they are
shifting the burdens of state and humanity -- including the
care of the needy -- from those who have more to those who have
generously! It is as good for the souls of those who give as it
is for the bodies of those who receive. But beware of those who
would take advantage of your good nature.
you do to the least of God's children, that you do unto God.
My alter-ego, after the classic 18th Century character created
in the early 20th Century by Russell Thorndike in his Doctor
Syn novels, adapted in various films. No endorsement of my
commentaries by any other individual or company exists or is implied.
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