I believe that the Middle East peace process has
slowed not because of all the bad blood and bloodshed that has
come before but mostly because of what lies ahead -- resolving
the question of who will control Jerusalem -- an issue so
thorny that even in the most heady days of the peace process the
best that could be done was to agree to disagree and to shelve
the issue until a later date...namely, now. I would like to
suggest a solution, which (perhaps in my ignorance) I have not
heard before.
Because the city of Jerusalem is holy to Jews,
Christians, and Muslims alike and has been fought over not just
in recent years but by crusaders of one faith or another down
through the millennia and because it always will be a uniquely
sacred city to half the world's population and an invaluable
archaeological treasure to all of humankind, I propose that
Jerusalem be made a United Nations Protectorate, safeguarded by
and open to all the citizens of the world.
If the State of Israel wishes to maintain its
political capital in Jerusalem, so be it. If the Palestinian
Authority wishes to establish an official presence there as
well, so be it. If any political, religious, or cultural entity
whatsoever wishes to conduct its affairs in the city, peaceably,
so be it.
Jerusalem does not belong exclusively to the
Jews or the Muslims or the Christians. It rightfully belongs to
all God's children, all of whom the U.N. was established to
protect. Jerusalem should be made a U.N. Protectorate.
Will any of my Christian, Jewish, or Islamic
brothers or sisters second my motion?