I just read two utterly shocking articles (which
I quote from in fair use).
The first article is about government that is "highly nationalistic. It tries to identify its principles
with the country, so that disagreement will look like treason.
Some other country, or some group within the country, is usually
picked out to serve as 'the enemy' and made to appear as the
cause of all evils or misfortunes...Sometimes it combines racial
and religious bigotry...
"[This form of government], like all forms of
government, rests finally upon the sincere consent of a large
part of the population. To maintain this consent,
the...leadership must cut off the people from any information
which might cause them to doubt the complete truth
of...[official] principles...Travel to other countries must be
"[In some nations, such government] at first
won the support of the wealthy classes, both landed and
industrial. These people saw...a protection against the demands
of farmers and other workers...[These governments] at first
upheld the rights of private property. They subjected the
working classes to a rigorous discipline. As soon as they were
firmly established...[the leaders] began to limit profit, impose
capital levies, and regulate business in great detail...[In
another nation, however, such] government disturbed the
propertied classes very little.
"...[This form of government] maintains among
the people a permanently warlike frame of mind. Every citizen
feels that he is mobilized against enemies of the
[government]...within, and against possible foreign foes...[The
leader] usually comes to power during a period of economic
crisis or depression. He gets rid of the depression partly by
employing many people in the making of armaments. He must
convince people that the country is threatened."
The second article describes "a belief that
every form of regulation or government is immoral..."
Are these two shocking articles about the
present and possibly future course of American patriotism? No,
these articles were from our 1963 World Book Encyclopedia
-- the second article was about "Anarchism", and the first
article was about "Fascism"!
Democrats and Republicans alike must always
guard against extremism, to both the anarchist far-left and the
fascist far-right, if our democratic-republic is "to form a
more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
our posterity..."
That, by the way, is from the Preamble to the
Constitution for our United States of America.