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LEARNING: History & Education | March 30, 2005




 A Guest Appearance on "NewsRap with Barry Gordon"

Topics during the hour, with many phone-in guests (particularly current or retired teachers), included the following:

* The Governor's "Special Interests" (His Top Donors) vs. Those Aligned Against His Proposed Initiatives, Whom He Maligns as "Special Interests" (Teachers, Nurses, Firefighters, Police Officers, et al.)

* The Governor's Proposals for a Special Election, including his Education "Reform" Initiative

* The Detailed, Current Procedure for Dismissing Teachers vs. the Vague Wording in the Proposed Initiative for Dismissing Teachers and Restricting Tenure

* The Problems with "Merit Pay" for Teachers, as in Attracting and Keeping Good Teachers in Poor-Performing Districts

* The Governor's Failure to Re-Pay Education Money Borrowed in 2004-2005: His "Shell Game" of Increasing Education Spending in 2005-2006, with Increased Tax Receipts, but Not to the Level Required by Proposition 98, as He Had Promised to Do

* California's National Ranking in Per-Pupil Spending

* The Governor's Pro-Initiative "Mock News" Tapes

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