I would like to point out something very
significant that seems to have been left out of commentaries
such as "Seeds of Apocalypse Are Among Us" (April 23), by
Stephen O'Leary, and "A Nation of Cults: The Great American
Tradition" (April 6), by Sean Wilentz, regarding the
comparisons between cults, such as the successful, yet suicidal "Heaven's Gate", and more mainstream religions, from the
Western traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam to the
Eastern traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
Although all beliefs should be tolerated in a
free society, what most of us instinctively recognize and
dismiss as "cults" typically look for salvation from mortal
powers -- whether they be guns in Waco or a UFO allegedly
behind [the] Hale Bopp [comet] -- whereas the generally more
respected religions put their faith in more spiritual sources.
In our all-too-superficial and -cynical age -- in which lust is often valued more than love; appearances, more
than truth; and money, more than human life -- all-too-many of
us worship at the altar of materialism.
Saint Matthew said it best: "For what is a man
profited, if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own
soul?" Let's not forget the deeper meaning of the new
millennium -- it's not just about another thousand
revolutions of our little "third rock from the sun".