Rights & Tolerance | July 24, 2005
Douglas Drenkow, "Progressive
Thinking" As
Posted in "Comments
From Left Field" and "GordonTalk" My
previous post got some
notice and caused a lot of controversy, even among fellow
Democrats, with whom I've conferred. Although the following
won't appease everyone (which has never been my goal, of course),
it does address some serious issues and make some important
points, for us and our country...
In the confirmation hearings, I adamantly believe the Democratic
senators should ask Roberts point-blank whether
he as a person or as a judge agrees or disagrees with each of the
controversial positions that his supporters claim he was just
supporting as an "advocate" for someone else -- parties
such as the Reagan and first Bush administrations or large
corporate clients that I'm sure he did everything in his power to
represent and he lists prominently on his resume.
And by the way, as a fellow liberal pointed out, since when did a
THIN resume -- lack of experience on the bench, in Roberts' case
-- become a positive recommendation for getting a job?!
When faced with such pointed questions, either Roberts clams up --
citing the oft-cited Ruth Bader Ginsburg precedent (although
contrary to what Karl Rove would lead us to believe, she
did indeed answer pointed questions on such subjects as abortion
and had eleven more years of decisions on the DC appellate court
to review for bias etc.) -- or Roberts publicly disavows those
positions outlined in that
piece I cited -- in which case he'll be branded a hypocrite by
most people and he'll also be disowned by the Right, many of whom
are already suspicious of him -- or he owns up to them -- in which
case we Democrats might lose this confirmation battle (barring
some new revelation, he's gonna get confirmed) but we will win the
public relations war, and rightly so: We support the much more
popular stands on environmental protections, worker protections,
minorities' rights, and women's rights (some
70% of the public does NOT want Roe overturned, for example).
This nomination was indeed a "cagey" selection -- with,
thus, Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it (I wonder if he'll be
able to run Geo.'s White House as well from the slammer) -- but if
we Democrats "focus like a laser beam" (to quote the
most successful Democrat of recent times) on the ISSUES more than
on the individual -- after all, this is bigger than any one person
-- then we will make the most of a Golden Opportunity
to stand up for what we believe in and make political hay in the
Now, I'm just an outspoken blogger, not a lawyer or senator,
skilled in the nuances of these things. But watch for what Senator
Joe Biden does or doesn't say or do: He'll be prominently featured
in the judiciary
committee hearings; and as a
declared candidate for President (praised on the air by my
friend Barry Gordon, by
the way), you can be sure he'll make the most of this
well-publicized forum.
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