been noticing some disturbing trends recently, particularly
amongst "Reagan Democrats" (for want of a better term).
These folks are increasingly bashing gays,
strong women, environmentalists, and others whom they perceive
as contributing to the "weakness" of our country -- which,
according to their defensive sensibilities, made things like
September 11th possible and which we can ill afford while we are
still vulnerable to attack.
The "leadership" of men like our current
Attorney General does nothing to discourage this mindset, which
divides us more than anything Mr. Bin Laden has done to us
Such paranoia is not unique to this time and
place -- it is all too reminiscent of what happened in this
country 20 years ago, when Reagan was drumming up defenses
against Iran and "The Evil Empire", or what is happening
today throughout Europe, as epitomized by Le Pen's showing in
France, or what happened in Europe back in the '30s (egad).
The particularly touchy thing for us Democrats
is the fact that we lose most elections without the support of a
majority of these very same Reagan Democrats. So how do we "true believers" win them back without betraying our
Simple. We speak with the courage of our
convictions. This, to those who have strayed from our "fold", is not so much about ideology as it is about
strength (There was an editorial in the LA Times not too
long back about how Americans have typically voted for the
candidate with the best "swagger" -- although "cockiness" is, of course, fool-hardy).
A word to the wise.