got to face the facts.
Until the Party comes to grip with the
uncomfortable issue of "moderation" by "New Democrats"
vs. "liberalism" by older and, ironically, many newer
Democrats, our leaders will continue to be unable to articulate
a coherent message and, no matter how foolhardy or corrupt the
message from the Right, we'll never be able to resurrect our
party from "second class" status.
To me, the problem is not primarily in our
selves but in our opponents.
The DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] is
probably the most intelligent, well reasoned, poll savvy group
in political history: Our party and our country owe them a deep
debt of gratitude for having given us the leadership of
President Clinton and numerous others nationwide. I shudder to
imagine what state our nation would be in if the first Bush
Administration were to have been re-elected, then followed by
the current Bush Administration: How deep could we go into debt,
how many wars could we fight, how many civil liberties could we
surrender before our nation collapsed, from without or within?
Nonetheless, for "the fine art of
compromise" to work, "it takes two to tango"; and far from "meeting us halfway", our political opposition has pulled
the center farther and farther to the right.
And just consider the results.
Clinton should have "appeased" the
conservative tendencies in the nation by balancing the budget,
freeing international trade, and "reforming" welfare -- all
at great political cost from the Left -- but how did the Right
react? They impeached him!
When Clinton took office, preaching the New
Democrat agenda, our party controlled both houses of Congress.
Did we succeed in "appeasing" our political enemies and "growing" our influence? No! We now struggle to regain the
Presidency and have lost control of both houses of Congress, not
to mention any influence over the conservative majority on the
U.S. Supreme Court.
In California, Gray Davis made many enemies on
the Left by adamantly adhering to a "Centrist" position. Did
that "appease" the Right? Not hardly! They have taken the
historically unprecedented step of attempting to recall him and
may well succeed (God help us all).
We have to realize that we are dealing with a
Republican leadership that frames issues both foreign and
domestic as apocalyptic battles between "good and evil",
much to the horror of the more moderate elements of their own
party, who, however, as good Republicans, play "follow the
leader" more often than not.
As much as we Democrats work for peace, we must
never forget that even FDR, the greatest and most liberal of
modern Presidents, was forced to lead our nation to fight the
fascists overseas, just as we Democrats today need a President
who is willing and able to take on the neo-fascist politics and
policies we face at home -- and make no mistake, from the
hypocritical impeachment over private behavior to the extreme
abuses of the Patriot Act and the unabashed contempt for
international law and treaties, our political enemies are
attacking the very heart of our constitutional liberties at home
and undermining our longstanding as well as newly formed
alliances worldwide.
Two stories: One fictional, the other all too
true, both very apropos.
Back in the '80s, on "Hill Street Blues",
there was an episode in which "Norman Buntz" (played to the
hilt by Dennis Franz, who likewise plays "Sipowicz" now on "NYPD Blue") is held hostage with another guy by some
lunatic. The other guy's trying to kiss up to the madman,
while Buntz is telling the crook to "kiss my ass." Guess who
eats lead and who gets out alive.
Back in the '90s, the day before New Years, on
Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, I was in the passenger seat of a
car as we pulled up to a stoplight. As I turned to my right, I
suddenly noticed that there was this punk on the sidewalk, about
eight feet away, pointing a gun at my head (If it was a mock-up,
it was a goddamn convincing one). He had a shit-eating grin on
his face and thought he was pretty darn cute. Nowhere to go.
Nothing to say (through the glass of the window, over the noise
on the street). So what did I do? Did I whine and beg and plead
for mercy? Like this guy was Mother Theresa or something. Did I
cuss him out and give him the finger? Am I nuts or something?
(Real life ain't TV) With no time to think, just letting my
instincts take over, I looked him straight in the eye and gave
him a look that let him know that this was in no way, shape, or
form "cute"; I let him know the severe gravity of the
situation. After a brief moment, he "flinched", mouthing the
word "Pow" and bucking the pistol in his hand. I turned away
in something approaching but not quite contempt. The light
changed and we drove on, slowly through the holiday traffic.
It's amazing that none of the crowd already
camped out and milling about on the street for the Rose Parade
the next day even seemed to notice what had just transpired, but
that's grist for another essay on human nature.
The point of my two stories is obvious. When
faced with a vicious, uncompromising enemy, you cannot afford to
flinch, let alone try to appease him. You've got to stand your
ground. It's not "belligerent" to stand up to a bully -- it's just being a responsible adult.
And even if you fail, then like Emiliano Zapata
said, "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your
If at some point our political enemies want to "make nice" and
"play fair", all well and good. But this
past decade has shown us that when we extend the hand of "compromise", they cut it off.
Let the world know we are Democrats -- whatever
we want to define that as in this generation -- and let the
chips fall where they may.
Nobody wants a President they don't respect.