Welcome to "The
World of Life"!
The purpose of this website
is to provide a wealth of information on the wonderful variety of plants,
animals, and other living creatures in our world. There is
much "natural history" here that should be of interest to the
general public, and I have also included considerable material for serious
students of the biological sciences.
Given the nature of life,
this site is indeed large and complex; but it is easy
to navigate. The "Search" feature (on the left of every
page) can help you quickly find any
specific species, group, or topic mentioned on any of the webpages within this
site (Once you have reached an appropriate webpage, you may use your
browser's "Edit > Find (on This Page)" function to find the keyword(s) on
that page). The text links at the left and
bottom of every page will take you to the following major sections (each
with links to pages within this site with more specific information):
The Diversity of The
World of Life: Listings
& Biology for Hundreds of Species, Families, & Higher Groups of
Life, with Links to Webpages with Excellent Photos & Additional
Information Elsewhere on the Internet. I hope to continually
increase the breadth and depth of information within this section.
Topics: Lively
on Topics of Special Interest: Structure & Function, Genetics,
Behavior, Ecology, etc. for Selected Species or Groups or for Life in
Feedback: Your
Questions & Comments Graciously Submitted to Me, Posted with My
About the
Author: Your
"Humble Human", Douglas Drenkow
I hope you will enjoy
reading what I have written. Moreover, I hope that whatever your age
or walk of life, you will find these stories from The World of Life as
interesting, informative, and inspiring as I do!
Thanks for your visit.
Please bookmark this site, and come again soon!
Douglas Drenkow