How to Use This Site
This site has been designed to allow you to quickly scan through summaries of articles, in a variety of subjects, or to read more extensive highlights or even entire articles about these candidates.
You will begin by clicking on the name of a candidate,
at the top of the screen: Groveman, Rishoff, Brownley, or Levey
(Selecting Kelly Hayes-Raitt will return you to this homepage).
Then below the candidates' names, there will appear an additional row of choices -- topics appropriate for the candidate you selected (whose name will then appear in white). For example, if you first chose Groveman, you would then be able to choose "Intro.", "Pro-Environment.", "Prop. 65", etc.
When you click on a topic, an index consisting of summaries of articles on that topic will appear in the frame at left. "Introduction" is the default index for each candidate.
Index entries that seem to represent significant potential liabilities for a candidate are highlighted in red. Of course, other entries may also contain potential liabilities.
When you click on the summary of an article in the index, at left, the full text of the article will appear in this frame. The first article listed in the "Introduction" index is the default, presenting any photo and contact information for the candidate.
A typical article includes the summary, at top, followed by a citation of the source, often including a complete or abbreviated (...) URL (clicking on that link will open a new window, which you may later close), and then the text of the article, with the most relevant passages highlighted in yellow.
To open, print, or save any index or text file, when using Internet Explorer, you may simply right-click on the appropriate link -- either the name of the index (at the top of the screen, below the names of the candidates) or the entry for the article in an index -- and then click on the option you prefer on the pop-up menu.
To print the contents of any index or text frame, when using Internet Explorer, you may also simply right-click anywhere within that frame and choose "Print" on the pop-up menu; then in the dialog box that appears, make sure "Only the selected frame" is selected; and finally, click "OK". The output should be automatically sized for the paper in your printer.
To save the contents of any index or text frame, when using Internet Explorer, you may simply right-click anywhere within that frame and click "Select All" on the pop-up menu, which will highlight all the contents of the frame; then right-click again anywhere within that frame and click "Copy" on the pop-up menu. You may then open a new document in a word-processing program, right-click anywhere within that document, and then click "Paste" on the pop-up menu, to paste the contents of the frame you have just copied into the new document, which can then be saved, edited, or printed (Please note, however, that because of the wide variety of original sources, unpredictable errors may occur if you try to re-format the index or text material, particularly changing the identity of the font).
All fonts, colors, etc. in this site have been chosen for maximum readability; the frames and overall design should facilitate navigation through this extensive and complex material, on a wide variety of computers and monitors.
Please enjoy your visit to this site: Particularly by scanning through the summaries of articles, typically presented in chronological order within each index, you can quickly learn not only the achievements and shortcomings of these candidates but also, to a certain extent, "what makes them tick"; more importantly, you can readily appreciate what is most important to the citizenry -- all of which may help you demonstrate to the voters in District 41 how and why Ms. Kelly Hayes-Raitt is the best candidate for state Assembly!
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