
This site serves as an introduction to the likely opponents of Ms. Kelly Hayes-Raitt in the 2006 Democratic primary for District 41 of the California Assembly: Calabasas City Councilmember Barry C. Groveman, District Director of Outgoing Assemblymember Fran Pavley and Former Mayor of Agoura Hills Louise Rishoff, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Boardmember Julia Brownley, and attorney Jonathan Levey. The winner of the primary will undoubtedly win the general election in this heavily Democratic district.

The information presented herein is by no means exhaustive, nor is its selection unbiased. However, it is intended to be representative and illuminating, having been gleaned from various reliable references spanning the last twenty years, including the Los Angeles Times and newspapers local to the district.

Notably, I have included some pages primarily because of their links to further information. For example, for Barry Groveman, you will find a page with links to archives of the agendas of Calabasas City Council meetings, for 2005 and 2004 (earlier minutes can be found online, via Google); for Julia Brownley, a page with links to archives of the agendas of SMMUSD meetings, since 2000/2001. Fortunately, the most newsworthy decisions at these meetings have been reported in the local press and are, thus, most likely covered by articles herein.


May the best candidate (KHR) win!

-- Douglas Drenkow

July 2005