Photo by Frances Drenkow.
My name is Douglas Drenkow (The “w” is silent) but please call me Doug.
Having had the invaluable advantage of an excellent education, I have devoted my life to information services, both online and off: research, analysis, & communications.
Over the years, I have worked on projects and processes gathering, organizing, and conveying comprehensive, in-depth information in a wide variety of fields:
- Principles and practices of leadership in business, nonprofits, and government.
- Marketing, including strategies of leveraging social media to increase the reach of lesser-known brands.
- Progressive politics, including the campaign for health care reform.
- The environmental movement, including the development of such “green” technology as biofuels and eco-friendly “Integrated Pest Management.”
- Higher education in the physical, biological, and social sciences.
- Literature, music, and fine art.
- Telecommunications, mass media, and the entertainment industries.
On my own or as part of a team, I have communicated my research and other information via an exciting array of traditional to new media, including:
- Letters and e-mail.
- Newspaper articles.
- Reports in print, on disc, and online.
- Educational handbooks and (database) software.
- Blogs and other Web sites.
- Artwork and design.
- Photography and videography.
- Radio and cable television talk show production.
First and foremost, I have utilized that most human of creations: the written (and spoken) word. As I wrote in Confessions of “A Weaver of Words,” “media itself is but a means to an end. Content is king.”
In this Information Age, the multitude of media brings a diversity of people, as well as “birds of a feather,” together worldwide; as in an ancient marketplace, the inevitable exchange of ideas and feelings can enlighten and enrich us all. When the history of this age is written, it will surely record that the Internet has the potential to become one of the most democratizing forces ever — spreading truth and love — or one of the most dehumanizing forces ever — enabling fear-, rumor-, and hate- mongering. Knowledge is indeed power.
You may learn more about my work in my résumé and throughout this Web site — my ongoing, online portfolio. I hope you enjoy your visit, and please feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions.
“I do the very best I know how — the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.”
— Abraham Lincoln
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“My formal education was in the life sciences. Since writing and publishing groundbreaking software in that and other fields, I have gravitated towards the arts of communication — the key to the unsurpassed success of our intelligent, social species.”
— Doug Drenkow