Contact Information
Certificates, Training, and Skills
Contact Information
Douglas Drenkow
5760 Main Street
South Gate, CA 90280
Home/Office: 562-531-6643
Cell: 310-570-8930
A creative, strategic thinker and an accomplished leader in business, educational, and political research and communications in print, on disc, online, in video, in radio and cable TV. Educated in the sciences, autodidactic in fine arts. Skilled in mathematics, the English language, and Web site front-end development. Experienced in marketing, consulted in social media, succeeded with diverse co-workers. Proficient in project management: initiated, developed, produced, monitored, and closed entrepreneurial as well as team projects, optimizing results within limitations of time, cost, and scope.
South Gate, CA, 09/2006 – present
Arcadia, CA, 01/1998 – 08/2006
- 5D Spectrum (full-service Los Angeles design firm)
- Barry Gordon (talk show host, former president of Screen Actors Guild and candidate for Congress)
- Building Safety Solutions (BSS, the leading provider of online emergency preparedness products)
- Core Media Group (popular Southern California weekly newspapers)
- Cotman IP (intellectual property attorneys)
- Éclat Entertainment (music management company)
- HCL Clean Tech Inc. (a globally resourced biofuels company)
- Ilene Proctor International Public Relations (top West Coast rep for progressive authors & producers)
- Kelly Hayes-Raitt (candidate for Assembly, community organizer, Los Angeles “Woman of the Year”)
- Leadership Pasadena (organization of civic leaders)
- Light Bringer Project (a nonprofit, Pasadena-based arts organization)
- Mira Starling Productions (independent filmmaker)
- OpEdNews.com (progressive political Web site with over a million unique visitors a month)
- Open Directory Project (source of online directory listings for AOL, Google, etc.)
- Pasadena Community Access Corporation (public access television station)
- Peter Stekel (nationally acclaimed author)
- Steven Kutcher (film industry “insect wrangler,” active environmentalist, and acclaimed artist)
- Win-Win Workplace Solutions (boutique change management and organizational consulting firm)
- As Web Site Designer, Editor, and Front-End Developer, and Online Marketing Consultant
- As Radio, Television, Video, and Film Producer
- As Writer and Editor
- As Artist and Designer
- As Researcher and Analyst
As Web Site Developer and Online Marketing Consultant: Front-End Development, Web Site Editing and Design, User Experience Design, E-Mail and Social Media Marketing, etc.
- Designed numerous Web sites, including DouglasDrenkow.com (with valid XHTML and CSS) as well as multimedia sites for talk shows, a public relations firm, civic leaders, et al.
- As Web editor, proofread and edited text in Web sites for business consultants and attorneys.
- Edited and posted video clips in original Web sites and at YouTube, with over 16,000 views.
- Created Flash video archives for cable TV show, with standards-compliant, SWFObject embedding.
- Created streaming (m3u) and downloadable (mp3) audio archives for talk radio show.
- Extended and themed blog, online catalog, etc. with modules of Drupal content management system.
- Designed WordPress blog, and wrote reports as well as consulted on social media marketing — growing brands by building personal relationships online, as to leverage reach of Facebook, Twitter, and blogs.
- Edited organizational psychologists’ e-mail newsletters — about teamwork, leadership, and strategic management — and sent them, as by iContact, to executives in business, nonprofits, and government.
- Created e-vites and coordinated e-mail campaign for community arts and youth organization.
- Wrote (in host’s “voice”) and sent e-mail “blasts” for talk shows and continually updated Web sites.
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As Producer: Talk Radio, Cable Television, Video, Independent Film, etc.
- Produced smart, funny, unabashedly progressive Southern California call-in talk radio show:
- Brainstormed story ideas with host / executive producer; researched background material.
- Booked nationally known guests: members of Congress, bestselling authors, entertainers, et al. (had dealt professionally with President and celebrities as top volunteer in political campaigns).
- Conducted marketing research, created media kits and demo discs, promoted new brand of host.
- Co-authored strategic business plans; spoke with small to large groups of potential backers.
- Booked host as emcee for live events, as at Hollywood landmark.
- Researched complex news stories on tight deadlines, made extensive blog postings, appeared on-air as guest expert and guest host, and co-produced special episodes of cable-access TV call-in talk show.
- Produced — wrote, shot, directed, and/or edited — videos of political leaders, messages, and events.
- Directed, shot, and edited video introductions to Web sites, as for music management company.
- Served as line producer and art director for pre-production of independent film:
- Made schedules, inventoried props, and estimated budgets by “breaking down” scripts.
- Auditioned cast, interviewed crew, screened music, arranged locations, designed sets, created art.
- Obtained copyright and other clearances, and boilerplated contracts for legal review.
- Learned new digital and film technologies; negotiated effectively with FotoKem & other film labs.
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As Writer & Editor: Earned Media, Advertising, Business, Politics, Journalism, Literature, Arts, etc.
- Created media kits and co-authored strategic business plans for radio and cable TV talk shows.
- Edited the PR manual of a veteran West Coast publicist for progressive authors and producers.
- Wrote copy for earned media and public relations — including e-mail blasts, Wikipedia updates, YouTube postings (with keywords and hyperlinks), Facebook Page postings, and Twitter tweets.
- Wrote advertising copy — for banner ads, display advertising in magazines and newspapers, brochures, one-sheets, postcards, tabletop displays for national conventions, eBay and iTunes listings, etc.
- Wrote hundreds of opinion pieces for progressive causes, published in print, delivered on radio and TV, posted online, e-mailed, and quoted widely — as by UPI, BBC News, and The Guardian (UK).
- Conducted unflinching investigative journalism for popular Southern California weekly newspapers.
- Wrote and served as News and Opinion Editor for Web site read by 300,000 unique visitors a month.
- Edited and reviewed critically acclaimed novels and short stories.
- Wrote variety of teleplays and screenplays in WGA format and created film merchandising concepts.
- Reviewed hundreds of painters’ Web sites for directories serving millions in AOL, Google, etc.
- Reviewed artwork and wrote about painting techniques etc. for general and fine arts readership.
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As Artist and Designer: Portraiture, Advertising, Logos, Branding, TV Backdrops, etc.
- Learned and applied concepts of artistic design as critically acclaimed professional portrait painter.
- Created advertising artwork — using black-and-white and color xerography, ink jet and onscreen RGB imaging and image-editing, and four-color CMYK process printing — for display ads, banner ads, etc.
- Designed logos and other visual branding for letterhead, business cards, favicons, etc. (including new logo for news and opinion Web site with 300K+ visitors, favored 5:1 over old logo in readers’ poll).
- Branded clothing, household items, etc. with logo of talk shows, printed on-demand.
- Designed and consulted on TV studio and photo-op backdrops, as for governor of Washington state.
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As Researcher and Analyst: Politics and Government, Demographics, Statistics and Other Mathematics, Marketing, Legislation, Contracts, Media, Health Care, Science, Biofuels, etc.
- Conducted revealing, in-depth demographic and opposition research for a state Assembly campaign.
- Conducted marketing research as well as mathematical and other research into political polling, federal and state budgets, and education reform for progressive radio and cable TV talk shows.
- Researched and publicized — via cable TV, Web article, and mass e-mail — impacts of bills in Congress.
- Compiled & analyzed franchise agreements for successful community access TV station negotiations.
- Researched, wrote, and widely distributed in-depth reports on the media and health care reform.
- As one of 24 in a “theme team,” in real time analyzed raw, telling data from thousands participating in a statewide health care symposium, attended by the mass media, governor, and legislative leaders.
- Also participated in another, national AmericaSpeaks interactive event: Our Budget, Our Economy.
- Under contract, researched technical databases online to rediscover World War II operational data lost to history, for use in the pilot plant of a cutting-edge, globally resourced biofuels technology.
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Arcadia, CA, 01/1990 – 12/2000
Educational Software and Handbook Publisher
Researcher, Writer, Editor, Programmer, Designer, Copier, Printer, Packager, Marketer, & Drop-Shipper
- Corporations: Boise Cascade Corp., Dow Chemical, SC Johnson & Son, etc.
- Government Agencies: Agriculture Canada Research Stations, New York State Education Dept., etc.
- Museums etc.: American Museum of Natural History, Field Museum, National Research Council, etc.
- Universities: Cornell University, National Taiwan University, University of British Columbia, University of California at Berkeley, University of Notre Dame, Yale University, etc.
- Created & published groundbreaking educational databases in biological, physical, & social sciences, and handbooks derived from these works: A Computerized Dictionary of Entomology, Food Webs of Insects and Their Kin, Computerized Biological Control, Computerized Vegetable Gardening, Discovering Insects, The Animal Kingdom, The Plant Kingdom, The Tree of Life, Fermentation and Respiration, The Periodic Table of the Elements, Qualitative Chemical Analysis, Conversion Factors, Dynamics in the Economy, The Constitution of the United States, and Comparative Religions.
- Researched tens of thousands of pieces of data — cross-referenced with hundreds of relational database tables, and made reportable on almost all DOS platforms via original BASIC programming.
- Unearthed and organized hundreds of copyright-free illustrations.
- Received “excellent” reviews from CHOICE, a publication of the American Library Association.
- Penetrated market worldwide, as through some of the first software listings in the book catalog of the Entomological Society of America and via distributors and resellers in the United States and Europe.
Certificates, Training, and Skills
Online Marketing, CMS, Web Site Development and Analytics, MS Office Suite, Photography and Videography, Style Guides, Legal Compliance, & Management Principles
- American Marketing Association Webinars and Virtual Events: “Advanced Social Media Strategies,” “Facebook Marketing: Leveraging the World’s Most Popular Social Network,” etc.
- Acquia Drupal Webinars: “The Open Government Directive and Open Source Social Publishing,” “Tips and Tricks for Drupal Theming,” “Reduce the Cost of Each New Website With ... Multi-Site.”
- Adobe / Mogo Media Seminar: “Getting Started with Dreamweaver and CSS.”
- AdobeTV: “Learn Flash Professional CS5” & “ActionScript 1:1 with Doug Winnie” (various episodes).
- Lynda.com Certificates: “Flash Professional CS5 Essential Training,” “ActionScript 3.0 in Flash Professional CS5 Essential Training,” and “Final Cut Studio Overview.”
- Google Webmaster Tools etc.: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Site Maps, Google Analytics (with asynchronous tracking code), customized AddThis.com social bookmarking widgets.
- W3Schools etc.: HTML, XHTML, CSS, HTML DOM, JavaScript, jQuery, DHTML, Atom & RSS feeds, UTF-8, other Front-End Development, some PHP.
- Adobe Creative Suite: Dreamweaver; Flash, some ActionScript; Photoshop; InDesign/PageMaker.
- Microsoft Office: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, some Access, FrontPage, Publisher, etc.
- Digital & 35 mm photography, Super 8 & 16 mm cinematography, film & Flash animation, VHS & mini-DV videography, Windows Movie Maker, WavePad digital audio editing, WGA scriptwriting.
- Concepts of artistic design — learned as critically acclaimed professional portrait painter.
- Associated Press Stylebook and Chicago Manual of Style; laws of copyright, privacy, and publicity.
- Principles of Project Management and Strategic Management.
Bachelor of Science with Highest Honors in a Life Science
- Also excelled in physical sciences, mathematics (including calculus and advanced statistics), and social sciences and humanities (economics, anthropology, history, rhetoric, and philosophy).
- Awarded Regents Scholarship, other merit-based scholarships, and a special citation from Chancellor.
- Scored in the 97th percentile in Quantitative Aptitude (Mathematics) and in the 99th percentile in Biology on the nationwide Graduate Record Examination.
- Offered Graduate Fellowship by National Science Foundation; declined, to pursue independent research (later praised by NSF et al.) and digital publishing.