TV Studio & Event Backdrops
NewsRap TV Studio Backdrop
In 2008, I created and mounted this large (3 feet by 4 feet) “newsroom” type graphic (at 300 dpi) for episodes of the cable TV talk show I produced, hosted by Barry Gordon, the longest-serving president of the Screen Actors Guild. Note how on the air the colors were muted, fading into the background; but the type was still legible — all in all, the effect that the host, director, and I had wanted (We were not using “blue screen” compositing).
Consulting for Technology Center Grand Opening Backdrop for Governor of Washington State et al.
Portion of the Backdrop for the Grand Opening of the Technology Development Center, Port of Bellingham, Washington, Designed by Marie Duckworth, Community Relations Coordinator. © Copyright 2009 Port of Bellingham. Click on image to view entire backdrop.
In 2009, I was contacted by Marie Duckworth, the Community Relations Coordinator for the Port of Bellingham, between Seattle, Washington, and Vancouver, British Columbia. Ms. Duckworth had found my NewsRap backdrop (above) online and sought my advice in making an even larger backdrop for the grand opening of their Technology Development Center; the three-foot by twelve-foot backdrop would be behind the speakers, including Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, with media photographing the event. I was happy to provide Marie with the specifications of the backdrop I had created and some tips for designing their banner. As you can see, she did a terrific job!