YouTube Postings
Posted to my YouTube channel and others, with detailed descriptions, links to more material, and lots of keywords to maximize exposure.
- Video Clips from NewsRap with Barry Gordon — featuring notable guests I booked, as occasional producer of this popular cable TV talk show, including Rep. Linda Sánchez and notable authors.
- Video Clips from Bug Art DVD by Steven Kutcher — featuring the world-renowned entomologist and “Bug Man of Hollywood” creating his critically acclaimed paintings, using insects as “living brushes.”
- Introductory Video to — To increase the exposure of this new music management company, I posted on YouTube the video I shot and edited for their Web site.
- Google Fiber Bachelor on Pasadena Dating Game — yours truly as “Google,” trying to select among Pasadena’s appealing qualities, as the city vies to become a test location for new ultra-high speed Internet, in video production by Pasadena Community Network.
Note: Although these smaller-sized clips were somewhat distorted when automatically enlarged on YouTube, much of my other videography is of larger size, very clear on YouTube.
Video Clips from NewsRap with Barry Gordon
In addition to my producing his radio talk show, I produced several episodes of Barry Gordon’s cable-access TV talk show, NewsRap; and to promote the show, host, and guests — including bestselling authors and notable politicians — I ripped the video of the shows from DVDs and edited short, several-minute clips, which I posted on YouTube, where they have cumulatively received thousands of views and, via links, directed visitors to, where the shows can be viewed in their entirety.
Eye on You (detail). Tiger Moth (Hemihyalea edwardsii) with Gouache on Paper, 15 x 20 in. (in entirety), 2004.
Video Clips from Bug Art DVD by Steven Kutcher
Working with Steven, I edited approximately five minutes of clips from the original, 14-minute DVD (edited by Dan Frankel and produced through the facilities of Time River Productions and the Pasadena Community Access Corp.) and posted them on YouTube, with appropriate keywords etc.
Steven Kutcher is an artist, entomologist, teacher, lecturer, consultant, and environmentalist. He is world-renowned as an entomology consultant working with arthropods in feature films and television and commercial productions. He appeared in The Garry Shandling Show (nominated for an Emmy), The Scoop (Great Britain, episode won BFTA), and many international interviews (filmed and in print). He has spoken at many universities, schools, and organizations and has taught biology at West Los Angeles Community College. He has been active in educational entomology and outdoor education programs. For more information see
Steven had an early interest in both insects and art. At the age of four he collected fireflies and wild berries in the Catskill Mountains in New York. Also when he was a child, he received a professional watercolor set. Steven moved to California at the age of five. In 1976, after graduating with his master’s degree, he became involved with a Long Beach art gallery, where he exhibited drawings and watercolor. In 1985 he made fly track footprints for a Steven Spielberg TV show.
In Bug Art, the movie (TRT 14:00 min.), pigment and natural movements as exhibited by insect footprints are creatively transformed into uniquely enchanting works of contemporary fine art.
Arthropods are essential for life on earth. Insect footprints are small and touch every part of the living terrestrial world, but insect footprints are transitory and leave little trace.
The movie begins by showing abstract color forms in water that symbolically introduce the ephemeral nature of the insect footprint. The history of bug art is then explained. A beetle is captured as an example of field-collecting a “co-artist.” Steven uses the beetle in his studio to create a painting by manipulating the beetle’s movement; Steven is a world-renowned expert in insect behavior, an understanding of which is essential to create a piece of bug art. Insects tracking paint from their feet are recorded in extreme close-up from the side and other views. Steven’s various materials and methods of art creation are shown; insects are his “moving brushes” used to create the art. Cleanup of the insect is demonstrated; care is taken not to harm the insect. Examples of art using seven different insect species are shown along with brief comments about each piece of art.
Bug art becomes a microcosm, and the footprints in that world are the handwriting of the artist. Kutcher is currently experimenting with insects and new techniques to create this enchanting visionary art by making the invisible world visible.
The complete Bug Art DVD as well as greeting cards, prints, and original artwork may be purchased from the artist through
Note: Although this small-sized clip was somewhat distorted when automatically enlarged on YouTube, much of my other videography is of larger size, very clear on YouTube.
Introductory Video to
Because she admired the video I shot for the introduction of my own Web site, the creative director for this multi-service music management company wanted a similar video for the home page of the Web site I created for them.
We decided that the best location was in her musician-partner’s home/office, with some of his extensive collection of professional music equipment in the background. I used my portable lighting outfit, its bright light softened with diffusers, by bouncing the light off the white ceiling, and by her (uncharacteristically) wearing some make-up. She chose clothing, jewelry, and hairstyle that were comfortable for her and appropriate for a professional in the music business.
Because she wanted the monologue to feel “loose” and unscripted, I prepared only bullet points for her, summarizing the major themes of the Web site, concepts she and the business director and I had discussed at length when we originally designed the site; the key was to speak to the needs and concerns of their target audience: artists / potential clients, potential venues, and music lovers in general.
Because she was intentionally unrehearsed, we took a great many takes, to assemble enough material for me to later edit together into a logical narrative. To make the editing easier, we shot the entire narration through almost four times — twice as a mid-shot and almost twice as a close-up —so that cutting (actually dissolving) between the shots (mid to tight, tight to mid) would not be so jarring (as mid to mid or tight to tight, which I did have to do a few times as it worked out).
For branding, as on my video, I included their logo in the front and end titles. And because the “Man in the Moon” logo she had selected was a still from a vintage black-and-white movie in the public domain, I cut some of the footage from the original movie into the start of this video, to draw the viewer in with a somewhat familiar, very entertaining scene.
Finally, because this is the introduction to a company devoted to music, we have encouraged the business director, who is also a longtime composer, to write and record some background music, which I will mix into the soundtrack of the video, balancing it with the narration (which itself I had to enhance, given the poor acoustics of the on-location shoot). We hope to have that music soon.
Barry Gordon as host, “Bob Wowmack,” and yours truly as “Google,” trying to select among Pasadena’s appealing qualities — “Science N. Technology,” “Art N. Culture,” and “Ann E. Users” — “I’ll take them all!”
Google Fiber Bachelor on Pasadena Dating Game
This video production was a contribution by the Pasadena Community Network to Fiber for Pasadena — the City of Pasadena’s effort to coordinate a community response to Google’s Fiber for Communities, a proposed open access ultra-high speed experimental broadband network that should make Internet access better and faster for everyone. Google’s Fiber network could deliver speeds more than 100 times faster than what most people had access to, in one or more trial locations across the country. The citizens involved in this effort believed that Pasadena was the right innovative partner for Google, which could potentially invest millions in the City.
“As producer, Doug kept my radio [and cable TV] show filled with a seemingly endless supply of great guests, sometimes at a moment’s notice. He’s a true magician!”
— Barry Gordon, longest-serving President of the Screen Actors Guild
“Mr. Drenkow has been most helpful, creative, and responsive in working with me [on numerous projects]. ... I highly recommend Douglas Drenkow for any creative, educational, or informational work or project.”
— Steven Kutcher, world-renowned "Bug Man of Hollywood" and critically acclaimed artist
“Doug Drenkow is both knowledgeable and creative. He listens intently to his client’s needs and brings them to life on the World Wide Web. He is expeditious and patient and works well with all levels of Web design experience.”
— Elizabeth Mathias, Creative Director,