- Click here to download the QUALCHEMZIP zip folder.
- Extract all the files from the downloaded zip folder.
- Read the readme.txt file.
- Double-click on the QCA application.
Qualitative Chemical Analysis
EXPLORE a standard scheme of qualitative chemical analysis.
DISCOVER the presence or absence of a limited number of common positive ions in an “unknown” solution.
ENRICH inorganic chemistry.
This title is available only as software.
POSITIVE IONS (possibly present in an “unknown” solution)
- Aluminum (III): Al3+
- Barium (II): Ba2+
- Calcium (II): Ca2+
- Chromium (III): Cr3+
- Copper (II): Cu2+
- Iron (II): Fe2+
- Iron (III): Fe3+
- Lead (II): Pb2+
- Mercury (I): Hg22+
- Mercury (II): Hg2+
- Potassium (I): K+ [not discoverable by this scheme]
- Silver (I): Ag+
- Sodium (I): Na+ [not discoverable by this scheme]
- Tin (II): Sn2+
- Tin (IV): Sn4+
- Zinc (II): Zn2+
ANALYTICAL REAGENTS (added to the solutions or precipitates as presented within the program)
- Cl-
- H2O (hot)
- HCl
- CrO42-
- H2S in 0.3 M H+
- (NH4)2Sx [ammonium polysulfide]
- 2 M HNO3 (hot)
- H2SO4 (evaporated with solution until SO3 fumes appear)
- H+
- H2S in NH4OH
- Equimolar HSO4- + SO42- [pH 2 buffer]
- OH- + Na2O2
- H+ (until just acidic), then NH4OH (until just alkaline)
- CO32-
- CH3CO2H (hot), then CH3CO2NH4, then CrO42-
- NH4OH, then CO32-
Sample Material
- Sample Screenshots: Chloride Ion as (Initial) Analytical Reagent
Download and Run the Application
- Click here to download the QUALCHEMZIP zip folder.
- Extract all the files from the downloaded zip folder.
- Read the readme.txt file.
- Double-click on the QCA application.
© Copyright 1991 Douglas Drenkow. All Rights Reserved.
Sample Screenshots: Chloride Ion as (Initial) Analytical Reagent
Click either image for full-size screenshot.
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