Progressive Political Blogging & E-Mailing
With working class roots in the Democratic Party going back over a century, I have been writing about political issues for over 30 years. Since 2001 I have written hundreds of articles online and e-mailed activists nationwide and now worldwide. Passages of my writings have been quoted online, as by BBC News (See “Comments From Left Field” quote), The Guardian (UK), and UPI. Click on a year for an index of my work:
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |
- Subscribe to My Writing (via Feed Readers or E-Mail)
- Other Online Archives of My Political Writing
- Articles Re-Posted on the World Wide Web
- Filling in as News & Opinion Editor at
- E-Mails to Activists Nationwide & Worldwide
- Kind Words for Our Talk Show Guests & My Author Friends
- A Family Tradition of Exercising & Protecting Freedom
Subscribe to My Political Writing (via Feed Readers or E-Mail)
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Or if you don’t mind sharing your e-mail address (I promise not to give it to spammers) you may e-mail me to be put on my political e-mail list.
Other Online Archives of My Political Writing
Click the appropriate logo for a list of my diary entries, articles, or blog entries.
In some of the indexes to my works elsewhere, as at or, you will also find listings of comments I have made to postings by others.
For my earlier socio-political writings, not originally e-mailed or posted online, read my Letters to the Editor of the Los Angeles Times (some of which are now available in the Times archives online) as well as Progressive Thinking, my online archive of published and unpublished work through June 2006 (Unlike the indexes below, of postings in widely read sites or of mass e-mailings, Progressive Thinking includes some of my e-mails to individual, although anonymous progressive activists).
Articles Re-Posted on the World Wide Web
A number of my news and opinion articles etc. have been re-posted in their entirety in various sites online: sometimes with my knowledge and permission — as in or — other times without — as by; the Pasadena Democrats, who found my reasoning interesting; the news archives of The Neil Rogers Show, in Miami, or of the Invisus security company, which found my article on identity theft newsworthy; or such blogs as, whose readers called one of my OpEdNews articles “crap” (It’s a free country).
Filling in as News & Opinion Editor at
For about a month in 2005, I filled in as News & Opinion Editor for vacationing Rob Kall, Executive Editor, at — then with 300,000 unique visitors a month (now with over a million). I searched through “mainstream” and “progressive” sources online to find newsworthy and thought-provoking articles, for which I posted brief excerpts and links on the homepage of
E-Mails to Activists Nationwide & Worldwide
Over the years, I have sent a great number of political e-mails to my (select, private) list of activists — including several members of the Democratic National Committee with whom I have exchanged correspondence — and others nationwide — including in such “swing states” as Nevada, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida. And many of my e-mails have been forwarded to other lists, nationwide and even worldwide, as by my friend in Geneva, former network TV correspondent Len Hart (“The Existentialist Cowboy”).
Kind Words for Our Talk Show Guests & My Author Friends
You will also note (as by “Googling” “doug drenkow”) that I have occasionally written reviews or praise about the works of some of my friends, such as Peter Stekel and André Coleman, who are acclaimed authors, as well supportive comments for online writing by some of the guests on the talk shows I produced, such as political consultant Robert Creamer, professor and author Harvey J. Kaye, writer/publisher Arianna Huffington, former Ambassador Swanee Hunt, Jim “Jibjab” Meskimen, veterans’ advocate Paul Rieckhoff, and Ken Waldman (“Alaska’s Fiddling Poet”).
A Family Tradition of Exercising & Protecting Freedom
Although using modern media, I am continuing a tradition dating back to the turn of the last century, when my Great-Grandfather Henry Winter spoke out in support of other small farmers and working families, as at national conventions of the Democratic Party; he was simply, yet courageously exercising his new-found freedom as an American. I thank all those who have devoted — or even given — their lives so that we may speak freely (Loving our country even more than he hated fighting, my father gave up an automatic deferment as a defense-plant worker to volunteer for the U.S. Army Air Force during the height of World War II). It is not only our right but also our responsibility to speak our minds, so that we and those who come after us will continue to be free.
The family of my Great-Grandfather & -Grandmother Winter, whose centennial in America was featured in the 1971 Academy Award®–nominated Documentary (Short Subject) The Numbers Start With The River, co-produced by the United States Information Agency.
“Committed to advancing humane and progressive values, practices, and visions, Doug Drenkow thinks and writes smartly, critically, and creatively.”
— Harvey Kaye, Director, Center for History & Social Progress, University of Wisconsin – Green Bay
“Doug Drenkow is a great writer. He’s insightful and funny. ... [His] research is top-notch.”
— Barry Gordon, former Screen Actors Guild president & host of Barry Gordon from Left Field
“I am humbled, Mr. Drenkow, by the words you have written and the time you have expended learning the details of my case and telling them in a compelling way. ... The impact ... has been obvious.”
— Teresa Chambers, former Chief of the U.S. Park Police
“I really appreciate all you’ve done [as substitute News & Opinion Editor and as a contributing writer] for OpEdNews.”
— Rob Kall, Executive Editor,